Your competitors, revealed
Pick a bank or fintech, and learn exactly how their digital offering stacks up. Down to the last detail.
Save time
Easily compare offerings, with standard feature descriptors and an intuitive UX scoring system.
Get clarity
No more knowledge gaps. See every feature your competitors offer, on every available channel.
Gain the edge
Pinpoint your competitors' weak spots and learn how to do better, with just a few clicks.
Get a comprehensive inside view of your competitors, in seconds
user journey breakdowns
Visualize how much effort it takes to complete a specific action, with video walkthroughs of real accounts.

UX evaluations
Compare competitors' UX, home in on their key friction points, and learn best practices from top performers.
feature overview
Pick any competitor feature and view a blow-by-blow account of every video implementation of that feature over time.

market visibility
See how different banks and fintechs implement the same user journeys, who does it most successfully, and why.
We constantly monitor the banks and fintechs we cover and make updates weekly, so you always have the latest data.

FinTech Insights enabled us to infuse innovation into our work.
With the excellent data the platform put at our disposal, our teams could come up with smart solutions to clients' problems fast, and learn valuable lessons about their digital banking market.